Bapak Jendral Besar TNI Purnawirawan Haji Mohammad Soeharto, was born at Yogyakarta, 8 Juny 1921 from his father, Bp. Panjang Notorejo. and Bp. Soeharto pass away on 27 January 2oo8 at o1.1o pm WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat) local time (GMT +8). (further info, check every news around indonesia ;p)
and, Solo is the last place Suharto will stop by.. he will buried here in Solo at Astana Giribangun, a holy place for Java people, because his wife, Fatimah Hartinah Suhartini (IbuTin) is a son from the king of Mangkunegaran Kingdom. so, every single of her family will buried there ~someday..
and, yea, Solo now very busy.. since yesterday, the main street of Solo, Jalan Slamet Riyadi, in every hours you can hear police pass by following some cars.. maybe all of them is a important people..
and today, all TV channel shot in Astana Giri Bangun, and some places which their own satellite at top of their TV car..
airport adi sumarmo, solo
nah, they have their own satellite ;)